The Breast Cancer SurvivorsNetwork, Inc.

23 Eastbrook Bend,              Suite 204F
Peachtree City, GA 30269
Office: 770-487-4396 
Days: Monday-Thursday Hours: 11 AM - 4 PM

About Our Founder

          Janet Beebe           

 President & Founder BCSN

In 1983, Janet Beebe, while breast feeding her 6-month-old baby, found a lump in her breast that turned out to be cancer. At age 33, Janet, with a new baby, two other children and husband to care for, had surgery and treatment for her breast cancer that had spread into her lymph nodes.

Janet's long-time mentor, Vicki Castleberry, the founder of Bosom Buddies of Georgia (an organization that helped support patients with breast cancer) visited Janet in the hospital during treatment. From that moment on, Janet knew she wanted to make a lifelong commitment to help other breast cancer patients and make a positive difference in their lives.

Janet with Baby Jimmy after surgery and having treatment in 1983

In 2006, Vicki asked Janet to rescue her Bosom Buddies organization as she was aging and losing funds to keep her organization alive. Janet agreed with new terms. So as a volunteer for her own organization, Janet developed a Georgia 501(c(3) non-profit, known as “The Breast Cancer Survivors’ Network” to continue this mission adding more programs to offer patients in need of support.

BCSN Ribbon Cutting in Peachtree City, 2006

Today, their friendship continues with 150+ volunteers who help in our communities to support, comfort, and give courage to patients in their fight against breast cancer. Thousands have been educated about breast health through BCSN’s participation in Health Fairs and Health Programs.

As Georgia’s largest support-group system, BCSN and its volunteers continue to provide  support groups, a variety of programs, services and supplies for the under-served men and women who need help. After over 30 years, Janet has helped thousands of patients through the BCSN programs and continues to expand programs that reach out to patients and help them remain SURVIVORS!